You’re in debt and embarrassed that you’re filing for bankruptcy.  Then you hear that it’s advertised in the newspaper.  Game over, or no big deal?

Some towns advertise bankruptcy filings in the newspaper.  But they also have a bunch of other court notices, legal filings and the like in small print, buried somewhere behind the used cars for sale and apartments for rent.

Here’s why you couldn’t care less.

You’re Not That Important

Know how many people actually take the time to pore over those listings?  Not many folks at all.  In fact, most people scan the newspaper for a few minutes in the morning before rushing off to work or to take the kids to school.

The truth of the matter is that you’re simply not that important to other people.  The latest celebrity gossip, sports scores or political tumult are far more interesting than your financial travails.  Much as it impacts your world, it simply doesn’t mean much to the rest of the world.

I suppose someone might read the newspaper, carefully read the bankruptcy filings, look for your name, and then take the time to remember it.  But ask yourself just how likely that scenario is.

Even If It’s Not In The Papers

In most towns, however, bankruptcy filings are not advertised in the newspaper.  The filings are public records made available at the courthouse and through the bankruptcy court system’s electronic database, but in order for someone to find you they would need to type in your name or social security number.

In other words, someone’s going to have to be mighty nosy – not to mention tenacious – to find out about your bankruptcy filing.

Once again, the chances of that happening are exceptionally slim.

Worry About You

The neighbors may be petty and gossipy, but you’re not that important to anyone but your family members.  They rely on you to keep the financial ship moving in the right direction.  Would you rather take care of your family or sink under the weight of your financial burdens because you’re afraid of some nosy neighbor?