Jay S. Fleischman
Jay S. FleischmanConsumer Protection Lawyer

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You’ve just joined over 5,000 other amazing people who get exclusive emails and updates from me, and I promise to only deliver high-quality information to help you win the battle over student loan debt.

You didn’t have to enter your email address, but you did. For that, I’m extremely thankful. I’ll make sure to respect your time and the trust you’ve already shared with me.

Over time, I’ll begin to learn more about you so that I can better serve you through my emails. To give you the best experience moving forward, make sure to open the emails that come your way, and please click on links of interest to you. If the links in the emails don’t seem interesting, then don’t feel obligated to click.

Now that we’re here, I have a couple of things to share with you …

The Best Use of Your Time

Dale Carnegie once talked about his time in his car listening to audio lessons as “Automobile University” – a great use of his time to educate himself while he would otherwise just do nothing (except drive, of course).

Podcasts give you on-demand, FREE while you’re in the car, walking the dog, at the gym, or doing things around the house.

I highly recommend you check out my podcast, which has been downloaded over 50,000 times in the past year alone.

Student Loan Show: My podcast about (you guessed it) student loans. I started SLS in February 2015, and it has grown to be the top podcast on the subject. It’s a mix of news, information, and helpful action tips for tackling your student loan problems. I also answer listener questions, which helps audience members put SLS strategies into action and change their lives.

Join The Private, Members-Only Community

Currently, the hottest place to connect with other student loan borrowers is over on our super active Facebook Group. It’s the premier spot online to share the best information with real people who are also taking action to win the war against their student loans.

Like most things here, it’s free for you to join! Just click here to join the group, request to join and I or one of the admins will approve you.

Make sure to turn on notifications when you join the group because every day I provide a new piece of information or ask a question where you can get involved and share with the group.

Student loans are a $1.4 trillion problem, and we’re all in this together. I hope to see you there!

Connect With Me

And lastly, here’s where you can connect with me online. Follow me on these platforms and I look forward to seeing you there!

Thanks again for subscribing to the newsletter. The above is just a taste of what I have to offer you, so stay tuned for more useful information down the road!
